Truck Driver Academy

Contact Us (Se Habla Español)

  • 909-201-7600 or 626-852-2000
  • 11081 Cherry Ave., Fontana, CA 92337


11081 Cherry Ave., Fontana, CA 92337 | 909-201-7600 or 626-852-2000 ( Se Habla Español ) 


Truck Driver Academy / Blog (Page 4)

The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which was established within the DOT in 2000, require that regulated employers perform a DOT background check prior to hiring a commercial driver. This DOT background check ensures that potential employees are...

If you are on your way to getting your CDL, it’s important to note that there are 3 steps you must complete in order to obtain your CDL. Some states may require additional steps/training, so be sure to look at your state’s specific requirements. For...

For many people who have chosen truck driving as a career, being a truck driver is more than just a job. It becomes who they are and helps mold a specific type of lifestyle truckers grow to love. This is why finding the perfect gifts...

The truck driving industry is currently seeing a substantial shortage of drivers due to various reasons, ranging from wages to working conditions to other common issues. In a time when attracting new talent is imperative, one strategic way that companies are seeking out new drivers...

If you’re just starting out in the trucking industry, you may be unsure of which truck driving job is right for you. Within the world of trucking, there are many different types of truck drivers and a wide variety of jobs that one could do. Keep reading...

Operating large trucks can lead to fundamental safety challenges. Even the most experienced drivers must take a proactive approach to defensive driving, otherwise the consequences can be massive. Before heading out on the road, it is essential that all truck drivers have an understanding of...

What is the Difference Between Interstate and Intrastate Trucking Understanding the differences between "Interstate" and "Intrastate" is vital when it comes to trucking. To start, interstate trucking implies that you operate a commercial motor vehicle across state lines while transporting cargo. For example, if you're picking...

If you’re new to trucking and you’re just getting started out on the road, there are a couple things you need to be aware of to stay safe. Like most jobs, there are some security concerns that go along with truck driving. However, if you...