Truck Driver Academy

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Night Truck Driving Pros and Cons

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Night Truck Driving Pros and Cons

It’s no secret that commercial truck drivers spend a ton of time on the road. Driving at midday can add an extra hour or two to your whole trip, due to traffic and busy truck stops. For drivers looking to make the most of their time, night truck driving is a popular option. Like most things, there are both positive and negative aspects of all-night trucking and it is essentially up to you to decide if it is worth it. Let’s take a look at the most common pros and cons of nighttime trucking.

Night Driving Truck Benefits

It is no secret that among the greatest frustrations of any driver is traffic. It can be infuriating when you have somewhere to be, especially when you are running late, and the freeway looks more like a parking lot. That lack of traffic is one of the single most appealing aspects of driving your truck at night. 

Whether it is due to less road work or just an overall lack of drivers on the road, that smooth sailing can get you to your destination much quicker. Still, you must refrain from speeding, whether by accident or not, as it can be tempting when you are one of the only cars on the road. Safe driving practices should never be forgotten.

More parking spaces at rest stops and fewer daytime distractions are another added bonus to all night trucking.

The Downside To Truck Night Driving: Drowsiness

One of the biggest issues with all night trucking is the risk of getting drowsy on the road. When you are driving a vehicle as large as a semi-truck, the slightest mistake can result in disaster. If you think you’re up to the challenge of pulling an all-nighter to save time on your trips, you should follow these tips to keep yourself alert.

How To Stay Alert During All-Night Trucking

Of course, it is important to get a good night’s sleep the night before you set out for night truck driving. However, sticking to a regular sleep schedule, where you get a healthy and refreshing eight hours, will help you become more resistant to fatigue than you otherwise might be. On the other hand, it is equally important to make sure you catch up on sleep after a long night of driving, as sleep deprivation can be detrimental to your overall health.

In terms of being able to stay focused and awake on the road, without overloading yourself with caffeine, there are quite a few tricks that will always help you out. The first is blasting the air conditioning or lowering the window to get that cool air into the car. Along with that, you can listen to loud music or a captivating podcast. 

If you feel that inescapable drowsiness, it might be best for you to pull over and take a quick cat nap, or to even separate your night driving truck schedule into two or three segments. Some drivers also enjoy taking a short walk to get their blood pumping and letting that crisp night air revitalize them.

At Truck Driver Academy, we make sure all of our students are equipped with knowledge like this before they hit the road. Our intensive training and preparation are what makes our students so successful in this booming industry. To learn more about our Commercial Truck Driving program, visit the Training page of our website!