Truck Driver Academy

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Why Are There So Many Truck Driver Jobs Available?

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Why Are There So Many Truck Driver Jobs Available?

With companies like Amazon delivering more than 400,000 packages a day and Walmart with thousands of stores around the country that need transfers of goods, it’s no wonder we need a lot of commercial truck drivers to get the job done. The United States has a massive amount of goods to move, but unfortunately, not enough drivers to do it. What’s worse is that the truck driver shortage is projected to double within the next ten years.

Truck drivers play an important role in our country’s overall economy and the effects of this trucker shortage are showing. Without the numbers we need to get the job done, shipments are running behind schedule and the prices of these goods are steadily raising. 

Why Are There So Many Truck Driving Jobs?

There are many different reasons for truck driver shortages. For starters, the truck driving industry is booming. It is steadily growing by about 6% each year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and is trying to both adapt to this and to prepare for the future. As touched on in the first paragraph, a lot of this has to do with the expansion of home-delivery services, such as Amazon, and the increase in online shopping. These online purchases are a large portion of what drives the necessity of the rapid and constant transportation of merchandise. 

Another reason for the truck driver shortage is the general demographic of the CDL (Commercial Driving License) truck drivers. The average age of truck drivers is 55 years old, so it only takes these people about a decade of truck driving to reach retirement. The commercial truck driving industry is taking a new initiative to expand its career outreach programs.

Truck Driver Demand

Many trucking companies are even increasing the salaries of their current and prospective drivers, as a way to entice more to join their ranks. Some have added sign-on bonuses, extra benefits, and various other borderline-bribes. Generous 401K retirement plans, paid vacation and sick days, and various insurance plans are also being expanded. These additions obviously take a financial toll on any company but the truck driver shortage makes all of this necessary.

Besides that, trucking companies are putting an emphasis on recruiting outside of their standard demographic, which is primarily middle-aged white men. Although this outreach was already on its way in, the truck driver demand has extended to women, military veterans, ethnic minorities, and the younger generation. Since a truck driving career can be lucrative, entertaining, engaging, and enlightening, this is a great thing for everyone involved. And how about that solid job security too? 

If you’re ready to be the hero and step up to the plate during this truck driver demand, Truck Driver Academy will get you ready for the job. Our rigorous, hands-on training program will not just help you get your CDL certification, but we’ll also give you the tools and skillset that you will need in order to succeed in your career. After completing our program, Truck Driver Academy will even help you with job placement! 

Call us today to get the wheels rolling for your new career!